Oct 14  10:00 to 5:00 at The Centering Space,  59 Cambridge Ave., Toronto
1-day workshop:

Led by Gary Justice and Sham Rang Kaur for Samagra Institute.    SAMAGRA

A practice-oriented meditation workshop exploring the nature of Being.  Straight from where we are  to the essence that moves us.

For Yoga teachers and for meditators  wishing to align a  simple practice  with vast purpose.  We we organize technique then go beyond it to connect with a profound view that is readily available to us.

The day will be spent learning and practicing three simple meditation methods  from Buddhism and Advaita Yoga.   Light  asana and group feedback will round out the mostly-meditation focus.

This workshop is geared to those who have some meditation experience or to any brave soul whose heart is calling!

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